The ZK Query Language provides a simple and flexible way for developers to design customised authentication requirements based on users' credentials. It utilises the Atomic Query MTP V2 Circuit for zero-knowledge verification.
The query language helps in building a query by the Verifier and presents it to the wallet holder via QR code. Once the user generates a proof in response to the query, the Verifier can easily check if the query is satisfied or not.
The six operators available provide versatility in crafting queries:
Operator 1: Equals¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xPolygonID/tutorial-examples/main/credential-schema/schemas-examples/proof-of-humanity/proof-of-humanity.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"isHuman": {
"$eq": 1
"type": "ProofOfHumanity"
Credential Type: ProofOfHumanity
Checks if a user has been verified as a human or bot.
Operator 2: Less Than¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v4.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"birthday": {
"$lt": 20010101
"type": "KYCAgeCredential"
Credential Type: KYCAgeCredential
Checks if a user has been born before 2001/01/01.
Operator 3: Greater Than¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xPolygonID/tutorial-examples/main/credential-schema/schemas-examples/employee-data/employee-data.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"monthlySalary": {
"$gt": 1000
"type": "EmployeeData"
Credential Type: EmployeeData
Checks if the salary is greater than 1000.
Operator 4: In¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xPolygonID/tutorial-examples/main/credential-schema/schemas-examples/proof-of-dao-role/proof-of-dao-role.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"role": {
"$in": [4,5]
"type": "ProofOfDaoRole"
Credential Type: ProofOfDaoRole
Checks if the user belongs to either role type 4 or 5.
Operator 5: Not In¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v4.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"countryCode": {
"$nin": [840, 120, 340, 509]
"type": "KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential"
Credential Type: KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential
Checks if the user does not belong to any of the following codes: 840, 120, 340, 509.
Operator 6: Not Equal¶
"id": 1,
"circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain",
"query": {
"allowedIssuers": [ "*"],
"context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v4.jsonld",
"credentialSubject": {
"countryCode": {
"$ne": 840
"type": "KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential"
Credential Type: KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential
Checks if the user does not belong to the country codes: 840.