The Issuer module is used to define and issue verifiable credentials as part of developing an Issuer implementation or as part of developing and testing a Verifier or Holder implementation.
graph LR
A((<b>Issuer</b>)) ---->|VC| B((Holder))
B((Holder)) ---->|Proof| C((Verifier))
C((Verifier)) -.->|Trust| A((<b>Issuer</b>))
style A fill:#526cfe
The documentation will guide you through:
- setting up your environment (for your chosen method)
- defining and publishing your credential's JSON-LD schema
- issuing that credential to an instance of the Holder module.
Only accredited issuers can issue credentials that give users network access.
Getting started¶
Step 1. Select method¶
Consider which method is appropriate for your case.
Proof by Query
Issue verifiable credentials that leverage zero knowledge proofs to construct and validate claims on-chain.
Selective Disclosure
Issue verifiable credentials that require users to reveal specified, verifiable information off-chain.
Step 2: Proceed with issuance requirement¶
So we can direct you to the right documentation, please select based on what are you trying to achieve.
You intend to issue your own bespoke verifiable credentials.
Run a demo issuer
You need example credentials so you can test your verification or holder solution.